Thursday, January 26, 2012

Florida fishing guides, fishing reports, saltwater boat ramp maps: Ft Lauderdale Deep Sea Fishing 1-23 12

Florida fishing guides, fishing reports, saltwater boat ramp maps: Ft Lauderdale Deep Sea Fishing 1-23 12: Ft Lauderdale deep sea fishing has been good over the first two weeks of 2012. Anglers aboard the Reel Work deep sea fishing charter yacht h...

this is one of the internet sighs i like to read
if you are interested in fishing then you should have a look around

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Dwarf Seahorses

Dwarf seahorses are a species of seahorse that can be found in Florida. the science name for them is hippocampus zosterae. that's derived from ancient greek language. hippo means horse in greek, and campus is a sea monster! so, seahorses are like little minature sea monsters. they also remind people of horses. So, when you have a seahorse in your aquarium, it's a little horse sea monster!

Now, if you want to have a dwarf seahorse in your aquarium, and you live in florida, look me up. I can catch you all the seahorses you need. I get you 100's of them.

ok, now some facts for the aquarium keeper: dwarf seahorses grow to about 2 inches. You need about 5 to 10 gal to keep them happy. your going to need to feed it a often with shrimp larva. brine shrimp larva work the best. keep the food available all day.

dwarf seahorses can be challenging to keep because they need to have their food suppyly constantly available. But they are small and really neat looking, so you will find it rewarding to have a dwarf seahorse in your home

Saturday, January 14, 2012

internet punks mess with the king

I found an internet sight made by some friggin jerks! its about me, butg its all B.S.! they are saying that I hurt seahorses and Im a bad guy. but i am NOT! NOT NOT! I am so mad about this FRIGGIN SLANDER!

Please if you like an internet where BULL like this does not happen to INNOCENT WORKING PEOPLE who are JUST TRYING TO GET BY then please please go to there website and TELL THEM OFF!

Nerdy Silly Seashell Dumbass Campaign

do you even see that stupid name? where the HELL did they think up this nonsense! some people just have too mujch friggin time on there hands!

P.S. I took out the link because they liked it. the new plan is: ignore them and see if they get bored of this bull. never mind that I even have this problem. What problem? That's right.


hi, I'm Ken. Im a fisherman! i catch all sorts of fish so that you can enjoy them! i take them from there life in the cruel ocean so that you and your friends can adimre there beatufil colors. the natural habatats of these animals are cold and full of sharks and the like, and with all those predeters and what have you, well, lets just say its a good thing im there to save them.

anyay, my favorite animals are seahorses. i catch all kinds of seahorses and sell them as pets. so, if you need a cute little seahorse for your aquarium, just give me a holler and i will go snatch it from that mean ocean and give it a much better home in your home!